Understanding the Metamodern Turn – Realising the Existentiality of Love

European School of Governance, position paper #211219-2 by Louis Klein


Realising the existentiality of love is the metamodern turn that allows us to transcend and dissolve the meaning crisis of modernity and safely navigate the challenges of the Anthropocene in the 21st century. In our attempts to escape the postmodern eddy, we find insight in the confluence of system sciences, integral theory, and theories of resonance. We find directions in the cultural between, the political after, the mystic beyond, and the existential underneath. We find an opening and rootage in growing a shared understanding embedded in epistemic humility trusting our human potential and our humanity, realising the existentiality of love. And we learn to navigate a humanising society.


The eddy


Jason Ananda Josephson-Storm does not like turns. In his seminal book “Metamodernism – The future of Theory” the US-American philosopher and social scientist lists a long array of turns. Starting with the linguistic turn, one turn after another echoed in a never-ending reverberation, not like amplified feedback, but rather constituting and sustaining the postmodern echo chamber. All the turning, the cultural, the interpretative, the historical, the cognitive and all those turns that followed, drifted inwardly in ironic deconstruction. The turns invigorated the postmodern eddy. And all further turns meant to escape this echo chamber collapsed and strengthened the eddy.