Dar Maarifa

brings together the told stories, by our partners-in-flourishing,
about their experience of Tamkeen in the Makan Makeen.

« With Tamkeen we have found the chemical formula of something magical. We have humanised our school.»

Rachid Meggaro

Director of Pedagogy, Allal Fassi school, 2018

« Metamorphosis with school. » Student realization, Abbas Abou Sebti high school.
Tangier, 2019
« What if the streets of our neighborhood become our school? » Community Model Jisr Madrasa Wal Mostakbal (Bridge to School and to the Future), Jbala neighborhood Community
Tangier, 2019
« Self-reflection: Where am I? » Teacher training bachelors, Ecole Normale Supérieure, University Abdelmalek Essaadi.
Tetuan, 2016

« I learnt that in my community I learn. »

Ghizlane F.

young women from the Hay Zouitina, Tangier 2021

« Kafila of Teachers of the Future is not a club, is not a trade union, is not an institution, is not an association. It is a soul that is embodied in the love of the vocation of teaching, the love of our students and the love of our education system ».

Mohamed Samadi

teacher member of Kafila of the Teachers of the Future

We don't care about space or area, only happiness and love are enough for us.
Dar Maarifa Tangier, 2018

« Tamkeen gives us the key to find our own answers.»

Mohamed El Mechrafi

Académie Régional pour l’Education et la Formation, 2019

« You have woken up the child that had died in us. We promise you, wherever we go, we will not let the child in our students die. »


Student, future teacher, Ecole Normale Supérieure Tétouan, 2015