Beyond the magic – growing our understanding of societal metamorphosis
European School of Governance (EUSG) and
Tamkeen Community Foundation for Human Development (Tamkeen),
joint research note #210601 by Karima Kadaoui (Tamkeen) and Louis Klein (EUSG)
Keywords: Societal metamorphosis, systems change; open research ecosystem, societal development, metamorphic transformation, learning ecosystem, community development, humanising systems, systemic inquiry, social innovation, systemic impact, metamorphic niche, locus of value, human potential
Societal metamorphosis is a term emerging from Tamkeen’s societal development practice. It describes a development practice and approach that is not only constantly referred to as magical in its manifestations yet also transcends the prevalent approaches to systems change. In a socio-systemic complexity evaluation the Tamkeen community foundation for human development in Tangier, Morocco, and the European School of Governance (EUSG) in Berlin, Germany, are engaging in a systemic inquiry initiated research into societal metamorphosis. Exploring Tamkeen as a body of co-reflected experience, together with all the partners who are co-creating it, opens the possibility to grow a shared understanding of societal development and the silent nature of metamorphic transformation beyond the magic and the prevalent frames of knowing. Growing from metamorphic niches societal metamorphosis realises a humanising society.