The Human Seed

Do not fear my dear friend,

In this deep knowing of your heart,

To talk about love, the coat, sustenance and ousia of the human seed.

For it is no coincidence that the root of “hubb”, love in Arabic, suffuses into existence the word “seed”.


The same way each drop of the ocean spray is the ocean,

The seed encompasses the potential to realise its beauty and manifest the beauty of our world. 


How vain to tell the seed what skills it needs to be a seed,

How confusing for the seed to hear it needs power when all it needs is unconditionnal love to germinate its potential and flourish the world.


Lets learn together that humility means to be the humus that welcomes all the fallen seeds and to delight seeing ourselves rise in each one of them.

Let’s grow the understanding  together of what our human potential means,

In the beauty of the experience of being a human seed.


Tamkeen, 2020