Our partners come with their questions and they meet ours. We live the questions as we coreflect the experiences that worded them. We delight in witnessing how, in the co-exploration of their in-between new questions emerge. They manifest the growth of our shared understanding, the shift of our focus of attention, the language we are cocreating, the dilatation of our perception, the expansion of our gaze, and the transformation of how we do what we do.
We invite your questions and welcome you to experience together, a co-created, co-reflected, co-facilitated process of inquiry, learning and understanding, trusting our human potential, trusting our humanity, realizing the existentiality of love.
What has happened?
The houses are the same, the
streets are the same, the
people are the same. Nothing
has changed and everything
has changed. Our relationships
have changed. Violence used to
bring us together, now it is
« I learnt that in my community I learn. »