The Astrolabe

When our navigation becomes the navigated my dear friend, The wind will blow our love woven sails, And love will blow the wind that fills our destiny, The ocean will be a home called “our humanity”, And our astrolabe will have moving coordinates, Each reflecting our growing understanding of what it means to trust our […]

The light of Understanding

  The light of our human understandings meet in conversation, Reveal a glimering twilight, A dawning placeless, timeless, place-time.   Dancing iridiscence,  Shimmering sun-humus, Reveal the soft glowing flowing-between.   Love, trust and humility, Fuse in meaning, Suffuse each other, Reflect one another,  And manifest in the other.   What do we recognise in this […]

Makan Makeen

Makan Makeen, There is a place where love, trust and humility, Fuse in meaning, Suffuse each other, Reflect one another,  And manifest in the other. Makan Makeen, The safe, love nurturing and nurtured place, The cocreated womb where life and the conditions for life in concrescence bloom each other. The place where all have a […]

The Human Seed

Do not fear my dear friend, In this deep knowing of your heart, To talk about love, the coat, sustenance and ousia of the human seed. For it is no coincidence that the root of “hubb”, love in Arabic, suffuses into existence the word “seed”.   The same way each drop of the ocean spray […]